You think you have what it takes to be a successful trader?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Whatever the stage of the negotiation game, whatever your strategies, your success will be influenced largely by the beliefs that you hold.

Your beliefs about yourself, about money, market, about what people are thinking ... the list goes on.

Some of your beliefs will be helping your desire to make your trading success. Many of the beliefs that you hold will hinder you not only to trading, but other areas of your life.

You can identify a belief that maybe holding you back?

It may be that you're not smart enough or is too hard to make money as a trader on the stock exchange?

Whatever view you specify, you can change this belief and replace it with new empowering beliefs.

If you hold the belief ' I'm not smart enough "– about how the change to ' I am a very intelligent person. My ability to learn and grow are excellent. I have all the tools you need to get everything done efficiently and effectively»

How to replace the old belief is to send new information into your unconscious mind.

There are many tools and techniques available to help with this and follows a process step 3 in order to achieve this:

Write your new beliefs, 15-25 times a day for two weeks, and reread what you have written several times a day. The writing from the new beliefs is a command to the subconscious. Send simple new information in the subconscious mind. Using iteration and emotional conviction, you can put your subconscious beliefs in news. Behavior and attraction then occur automatically and easily. Write a script of your beliefs and write the words that you can connect to and you can attach to a positive emotions. Always write this thing, and if you have already achieved the results you want as a result of holding this new belief. Cement in new beliefs to your senses by visualizing how your life, you now have this new belief. Close your eyes and picture everything happened exactly as you described in your script. Visualization is the creation of a new idea or belief, where you can paint a new scenario in mind, add all senses the image with color, sound and smell. create a movie in your mind that you can play again and again. Add color and imagine sound, smell, and so forth. As a trader, you may see yourself sitting in front of your computer screen watching your closing market as an extremely profitable trade you just received your merchant account to $ 100,000, see plush around your desk now is successful. What do you smell? Are there any sounds associated with the image. Really get a sense of success.

Our unconscious mind controls us based on our belief systems. Our belief systems created by our thoughts based on our experiences and to make our air conditioning. Do not serve anything and change those who do not have a huge impact on our results.

See these new successful results play in your account. Go NOW and write some new beliefs that you would like to adopt.

Karen Oates is a seasoned options trader and mindset coach who excels at helping traders who understand themselves and the stock market using a simple ' keep ' trading plan and the mind tools of success through mastery of attitude, focus, attitudes, beliefs and strategies.

Karen has been certified as a:
Master NLP practitioner
Master Coach results
Performance Advisor
Specialize in subconscious reprogramming for advanced and Master hypnosis

Discover how you can use the best tools and techniques to become a successful trader you want!

Article source:

Karen Oates - EzineArticles Expert Author

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