Spread betting-risks and rewards

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Spread betting is a method of placing a bet on something and using a spread in how you think the event will go to the product etc. For example, if you are betting that you'll earn a group of 10 points or more, then you'll earn x amount of money per each point team goes over 10, if you win. If you earn less than 10, then you lose your money. It sounds simple, but it has both the rewards and risks.


Free from certain taxes: profit is not subject to tax of 5 percent charged when someone buys stocks or bonds instead of simply betting on how stocks will go up or down. It is also free of you having to pay taxes on capital games, unless they have changed the rules of taxation. Of course, if you win money, you are still subject to the IRS for income taxes.

Total cost includes: spread betting allows you to pay everything at the same time, including fees for the bookmaker and any funding as you make your bets, rather than all at once and always know very probably will lose. Regular bets, you need to pay as you go and it may cost you a much greater percentage wise in spread betting.

Bets can be done everywhere! It is something that a person can be done regardless of where they reside or with whom they want to place the bet, even if they are in a global arena you can get involved in stocks, bonds, gold, or whatever else takes your fancy.


Drug addiction is possible! It is known fact that gambling can become addictive. Look at The Gambler anonymous. Anyone who finds their gambling and more regularly must consider what they have done and be cautious. Analyst showed that spread betting is even more dangerous then the regular betting. It is estimated that 15 percent of those try betting spread could be addicted to one percent in regular gaming tables.

Loss will cost you: Although the spread betting you only have to put a part of the bet, but if you lose, you still have to repay the broker with the full amount of the loss. Indeed is a great way to make money on stocks, etc. without having to put underneath both or pay any taxes or fees, but things don't always go as planned and if you don't do the proper research ahead of time, could lose a huge amount of money.

Spread betting all stakes, a style when someone bets the chances for a positive or negative outcome of a situation. For example, a person bets that gold will rise in price for $ 350 or above. If it does, for each dollar over that better will win money. Otherwise, if it goes, never loses dollar below it. Can bring both rewards and pitfalls that betters should do their homework and know what to expect before placing a bet.

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